Saturday, July 5, 2008


I came back to California after spending a few days in Seattle with my college friends.

On my first day back at work, my co-worker greeted me:
"Welcome back, Tone. How's Seattle?"
"It's great, man. We enjoyed the reunion with my friends."
"Did you go to Pike Market?"
"Yes, my wife bought some stuff there."
"Did you take the Boeing tour?"
"Yes, I bought myself a nice "Future of Flight" jacket there."

My co-worker who is also an architect continued asking:
"Did you see the Seattle Library?"
"Yes. Interesting architecture." I answered.
He then asked:"Did you go see Bruce Lee's grave?"
"No, man. Why would I do that?
My co-worker who like me is also Asian, snapped back:
"Shoot, man, what kind of Asian bro are you. You went to Seattle and didn't pay your respects to Bruce Lee. His son Brandon is also buried there, next to him." He then raised his hand in mock disgust, squinted and did a quick karate stance a la Bruce Lee.

Anyway, I tried to continue working where I left off the previous week, but I could not concentrate. My mind was still in that part of the city called Tukwila, where most of us in the
group stayed. It was just great hanging out with college buddies again, many of whom I have not seen or heard from in some 44 years.

Ampy and I liked Seattle inspite of the rain. We enjoyed looking at the lush vegetation, something we don't have in our arrid location in San Bernardino. Next time we get a chance, we'd like to visit Seattle again. Hopefully we can stay longer, explore and see more places in the city and surrounding areas.

Including perhaps a Bruce Lee gravesite tour.

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