Sunday, October 19, 2008

July 29, 2008 EARTHQUAKE

It was indeed a strong shaker that hit Southern California shortly before noon today.
I was on the topmost floor of the 9-story tower of the Loma Linda University, waiting for Ampy to be discharged after an overnight hospital stay for a routine physical exam.

Suddenly the building started swaying while I was walking towards the Nurses' Station. There was this overweight blonde nurse right next to me who got excited and said: "Earthquake!.. I need to hug somebody!" I thought shewas kidding, but went ahead and put her arms around my neck, almost wrestling me to the floor. The swaying lasted for about 12 seconds. She then let go and asked: "Are you OK?" I said yes, but actually I got a little scared, not only of the quake but the fear of a heavy body landing on top of me.

I then ran to Ampy's hospital room where I found her squatting on the floor with her arms draped over her head. She said she was worried the heavy Zenith hospital TV would fall from the ceiling.

I checked the California Integrated Seismic Network website when we got home.It was a 5.4 magnitude at 11:42:15 AM with the epicenter in Chino, in San Bernardino County. It's about 30 miles from my location.

Well folks, that's life in California. Something we have to live with. An earthquake can hit anytime without warning. We'll just have to be aware and be prepared.

And avoid standing next to an overweight blonde nurse.

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